Monday, April 15, 2013

Club Penguin Spike Hike gives us another hint to My Penguin App!! April 15th 2013

Hey Penguins,
Yesterday Spike Hike gave us a sneak peek of what looks like "My Penguin App" I made a post you can view here. AnyWay, Spike Hike mention'ed in his recent tweets that we are close to guessing it. So he is kinda giving us clues as to what the sushi is!Here is his tweet ,

It Says "No one has figured out my sushi yet, but this fan is close."We Will get as a reward for logging into Cp Via Moblie?""
That was his first tweet now he made a new one!

This one says"VERY close: "The Sushi is some how used to help you in the new my penguin App, and each DAY you log in, you earn a piece of it"'

That is some some Great infomation!I still don't know what the sushi is for yet, but I have some ideas. If Spike or Polo ever tweet what it is I'll be sure to post it on here! Stay Tuned! What do you think the sushi is for? Let us know you'r thoughts in the comments below!
Waddle On Club Penguin!

1 comment:

  1. i think that the sushi will let us buy rare items!and u can trade coins to get sushi like

    1 coin-1 piece of sushi
