Friday, November 23, 2012

The Director's Identity!

Hey guys! It's me, Bird Pingu, and today I went to shut down Herberts sun absorbing ray gun! When I did, I got this video! (Courtesy of Saraapril)

The Directors Identity! AUNT ARCTIC! Wow! She has kept this secret for so long! Thank you Aunt Arctic for showing us that you have been the one leading us agents since the beginning! Clubpenguin is SAVED!

Well, that's it for now. Until next time... Waddle on!

~Bird Pingu


  1. bird pingu u have not replied my last comment so im sending you another one here it goes
    dear bird pingu can you please juat make me a banneer
    and my email is

  2. Dear Bird Pingu,
    I hope that you don't mind me asking some questions...
    1. You know there is a little logo, on the top of the tab of your blog, how do you do that?
    2. How do you make the tile, on your side bar have a smiley face on the end? For e.g. 'Meet Bird Pingu'
    3. What screen catcher do you use because I really need one that will let you water mark it...
    I just want to be as nice, as cool, as helpful, and friendly as you! (And a good blogger as you)
    -Minty :)

    1. Hi Cliky Minty!

      1. Go to 'Design' and click 'Layout' You should see something that says 'Favicon' Click Edit and it will give you specifications from there! :)

      2. That's a bit more complicated. I'll get back to you on that.

      3. When I take a picture, I just click 'Print Screen' on my keyboard. Then you paste it into Paint and crop it down.

      Hope that helps! ~Bird Pingu
