Hey Penguins If you don't already know Club Penguin Threw a HUGE party today in celebration of the new My Penguin App! There was Club Penguin Moderators,Mascots, famous Club Penguin bloggers Ect.. and they were all on at one time just for this awesome event.Nobody knew what Server they were going to be on all we knew is that everybody would log on on different random servers at 3:00pm PST. I logged on to server Blizzard and looked but found no one, but my buddy list said Spike Hike & Happy77 are online some place!
No one was to be found on server Blizzard so I went to Server Fog and found Super Sheep a Club Penguin Moderator. Check out the pictures I took below!
Then my buddy Spike Hike came to same place, we all gave hearts for the my penguin app!Then he started adding penguins
Then Thanks to a good friend of mine Lebron Jr 23 I found my my Happy77, and when I logged on the server I found Happy77(added me atlast!!!), Polo Field(Was awesome and gave me a postcard),Yamfry(Gave me a postcard),Lebron Jr 23(the normal Awesomeness) ,sniffybear2(Great),Tylor k1(I don't think he had any money to send me a postcard).
Here is Happy77 at the Ski Hill
At the town I met the awesome Yamfry she is the head of the Club Penguin Guest Experience and she also gave me a postcard (in the picture below you can see my asking her for one!:P)
Yamfry (Real Name: Angela Doak)
After Happy77 logged off from the town in FJord I found a old friend of mine!
I met and made some awesome friends at this party, I want to give every body who Celebrated a BIG BIG BIG HUGE Thanks for coming and celebrating and coming online to meet the famous ones!Club Penguin would be nothing without you me and guys and of course the Club Penguin Staff Members!
And a big thanks to the Club Penguin Staff members!
You guys all are awesome!
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