Hey guys! It's me, Bird Pingu, and the Fall Fair has begun! Sorry it took me so long to post this, because of Speedster being un-active and i'm so caught up in school. Any way here is the fall fair post!
THE FALL FAIR IS HERE! Earn some tickets at the dock,forest,cove,and extra game room (enterable at the snow forts) for exclusive prizes!

This is the Non-member prize booth! Just grab some tickets and spend 'em here!

And for members, you can head into the Members Only area and get access to an Exclusive Prize booth!

All that still not enough for ya? Well no problem! They're two hidden items! Just click on the circled white banner to get the Red Balloon!

OR click on the banner on the exact opposite side to get a stuffed turtle!

Gaming not your type? Clubpenguin has that covered too! You can head to the Pizza Parlor and enter in a Pizza Eating contest....

.... And you can go check out the Great Puffle Circus with the Brown Puffle now having an act!

Well that's pretty much it! Happy Fall Fair to you all! Waddle on!
~Bird Pingu